Would you like to become a member with us?
Your membership will support BARCA’s mission to protect the environment. Whether you want to actively participate in the management of the society, the field projects, or just want to express support for our activities, we appreciate your contribution to our organization. You will join a group of enthusiasts dedicated to advance ecosystem conservation, with special emphasis on avian research and conservation within western Canada’s Boreal forest.
As a member, you will receive notice of meetings of the society, and will have the opportunity to attend and speak at the meetings. Purchasing a membership over multiple years will allow you to become a decision maker within the society and occupy any office that may become vacant.
Additionally, you are entitled to participate in field activities of the society and will receive notice of the opportunity via e-mail. Members will receive any reports and publications resulted from our work, and will receive discounted rates for any paid goods and services that might be offered by BARCA.
To become a supporting member, to renew your membership, or to make a donation to BARCA, please fill out the Google Form below.