The Genesee Bird Project (The GBP)
Change of land use due to intensive agriculture, logging or mining operations may result in complete loss or fragmentation of natural habitat with adverse effects on a multitude of species, including forest birds. In a dynamic landscape however, activities that affect some species create opportunities for others. For example, some secondary cavity nesting birds (birds that do not excavate their own cavities, but re-use holes created by other species) that prefer breeding in more open landscapes or forest edges like Tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) or the American kestrel (Falco sparverius) might actually benefit from openings created in the forested landscape. Other species though, like cavity nesting owls or birds of prey usually nesting in forest interiors and re-using the same nest year after year, might be negatively affected by increased disturbance created by roads or industrial activity.
The diverse landscape within Genesee’s footprint offers a unique opportunity to study the breeding ecology of raptor communities, cavity nesting owls, and songbirds. Some species are an excellent model to study population trends, changes in habitat quality, and monitor ecosystem health. The presence of top predators like owls and other birds of prey usually is associated with diverse and healthy habitats. By establishing surveys and long-term monitoring programs, we hope to detect changes of animal populations and to develop sound management of species conservation programs.
Project Goals
The GBP consists of three focus groups: The American kestrel & cavity-nesting owls, large owls & diurnal birds of prey, and cavity-nesting songbirds. Our aim is to establish a long-term monitoring program and collaborate with organizations and institutions to improve understanding of these species’ biology and ecology. Apart from the monitoring and research activities, we intend to use the information we gather to inform land managers, local communities, other stakeholders, and the public. Please select a focus group below to learn more about our activities.
The Genesee Bird Project is supported by Capital Power.